Thursday, May 5, 2011


WHEW! ....I am SO glad the last word of my day is *prayer*. It's so relieving to always know that no matter how much I have going on in my day, God is just a prayer away! I have such comfort in knowing that He wants me to talk to Him and He knows my heart! I love how God talks back to me...

Even right now, catching my eye out of the window is the tuft of newly green leaves warmly lit by the morning sun not swaying but bouncing steadily and oddly graceful on the tree branch and from that view I turn my gaze not looking for anything but when I see it, I know it's for me. The word "Peace".  ...Oh how He knows my heart.

Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.". I am joyful in hope but prepare myself for the worst because I don't ever want to be ignorant to all possibilities. I even read in Proverbs the other day something about having hope but to also be prepared for the worst. I can't quote it exactly because when I read it, it makes perfect sense to me -it's something I already do- and I didn't know God would be having me share it today! Argh.
Why wouldn't we prepare ourselves?? When you go outside in the summer, don't you put on sunscreen? Sure, I want to go out and enjoy the sun BUT I do not want a nasty burn to go with it.  ...does this make any sense? Sometimes I kinda lose where I'm headed with something... not sure if this is one of those moments. It makes sense to me, though ;-)
"Patient in affliction" ...hmm... I think I'm doing pretty well at that. I'd like to say that generally, I'm a patient person. We all have our breaking points, though. Right? So, "patient in affliction", I'll have to say I'm improving. How is your patience level?? Do you fly off the handle about everything? -is that even a saying? I always mess those up... there's one about beating a horse with a dead stick and another about a water over the bridge...
And finally, my favorite, "faithful in prayer". Today is National Prayer Day. If that alone gets someone who usually doesn't pray to pray on this day once a year, that's great. There is so much in the world to pray for and all we need to do is present it to God, call out to Him, and humble ourselves to His will. Be faithful, diligent, and be ready for God's answer. Oooh what a sweet thing it is to hear the answer. You just know from every ounce of your being that it's His voice you're hearing.
One thing I've not ever really understood is how people can pray to God about something but when the answer comes being opposite of what they were asking, they get angry with Him. ...I'm gonna try another saying... "You better check yourself before you wreck yourself"? Hope I got it right ;-) SO if it's not the answer you wanted or if the answer doesn't make any sense to you, check yourself! Look over what you've been doing, what you occupy your time with, where your priorities are (especially where God ends up in your priorities), and try your best to see if God is correcting you or someone else directly or indirectly involved. There are so many reasons our Father tells us "no" sometimes. He's for sure not saying "Because I said so" -there is a reason! We are always being tempted and tested and we need to persevere and stay strong and exercise those obedience muscles.... flex those obs!

Accountability is such an important thing to have. Do you have someone to hold you accountable?? Honestly, I don't have a specified person that holds me accountable. I think I have a few very close friends that would call me out when needed (i hope) but I'm also really hard on myself and have my own expectations of me. Okay, I'm going to hold myself accountable to find a specific person to hold me accountable.  ...Accountability partner for hire :o)

Oh what a beautiful day! ...BTW I haven't made anything with fabric yet. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? It's not off the table by far- just when I ......ooh, summer is coming up fast = time on my hands ;-)

God Bless you all on this National Day of Prayer and in case I don't do this blog thingy again before Mother's Day (which is highly likely), Happy Mother's Day to you mommies, grandmommies, foster mommies, brand-spankin-new mommies, and to the daddies who have to be the mommy sometimes or even all of the time. It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it... and love it :)

1 comment:

  1. Tiff: Your words absolutely took my breath away! Thanks for helping me refocus my energies! More prayer, more preparation for pitfalls, more patience and accountability! I've no one holding me accountable anymore - and I didn't realize that! More prayer and more remembering "thy will be done, not mine"....
    God Bless you and your family!
    Looking forward to seeing you in June!
