Thursday, August 25, 2011

funky stuff

I've been in a funk for quite some time now.
It's just a season, though. I know it will pass.
I don't mean to blog much about these funks but really, if I were to write about anything else right now, I wouldn't feel like I was honoring God.
I really feel lead to post this... in the past 2 months, I've started 4 posts. They're sitting in my "posts to be edited" pile because as I was writing them, they didn't feel "God lead".

I think God is showing me things. Things I should be concerned with and maybe some things I should let go of. Even though it's not much fun, I always take these "funks" of mine and learn from them. It's a growing pain! :o)

What do you do when you get in a funk? Do you try to get yourself out or do you surrender and realize that it's not yours to get out of?

Some verses come to mind....
(Still fresh in my head because I taught these to the kids a couple weeks ago)
       Jeremiah 29:11-13 "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 
'Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give hope and a future. 
Then you will call on me and come pray to me, and I will listen to you. 
     When you seek me, you will find me -when you seek me with all of your heart.'" 

I fully trust the plans you have for me, Abba Father. Lord, I am seeking you! I am calling on you!
And I, too, am listening. 
...I'm just not quite sure of what I'm hearing.
and this is why I am also paying close attention to these next verses.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight."

I might not understand what's going on with me currently but
I do understand that God knows and has purpose for it.
I trust Him and believe that He is straightening my path.

Have you ever fully let go and just let God do His work? Sometimes the answers seem simple to us and we think "God, why won't you just do this? It would solve everything! It would fix my problems!". 
But God's answers and solutions are so much more complex than we can comprehend. He might try to lead us one way while we're trying to scratch and claw ourselves down a path we want.
Just let go! Follow Him! Do what God is telling you to do instead of whatever it is you feel like doing. 

I am asking Him what I need to learn. I am asking Him how I can serve more. I am asking Him to show me what areas I need to grow in. 
I am not asking God why I'm in a funk. I already know why. He wants to teach me something.
I am not asking Him to bring me out of it. I trust that He wants me here in this place for a reason.

What do you ask God when you're in a funk? When things aren't going well for you, what do you ask Him? I encourage you to spend time in prayer and let God give you the answers. Stop trying to figure out the answers yourself. They're not yours to answer! 

I've prayed about this post and I've put a lot of listening into it. I hope you, my friends, can use it :o)