Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Anew... or A New Blog ;)

I'm feeling pretty ambitious, motivated, and generally healthy this beautiful (finally) spring day. So with that, I will thank God for all of my many blessings (including the most awesome surprise of a back massage while "my little lady" was being pedicured), and try to record and possibly share all of the thoughts and ideas that literally sprint through my mind! I seem to have, on average, one or two days a month that I feel completely inspired and excited about everything. Yes, everything. ... I'm convinced by self diagnosis that I'm manic. Oh and that I have ADD?? I so want one of those massaging chairs! Today is one of my up days so, of course, everything is wonderful! ...don't worry, i still have a toe touching the ground ;o)

I've tried the blog-scene before and wasn't really able to keep up on it. I didn't have a real purpose for it, though! This time, I have an idea of what I'd like to do with it. When I'm feeling inspired by something, I want to share it with you. It may be something that gets you going, too!

Anyway, today's inspiration came from a website I enjoy browsing every once in a while; The website is a third party for people who want to sell their handmade items. IT IS SO COOL. I love seeing the creativity out there and, love getting fresh ideas... or being inspired by something someone has created. ...Thinking of our creator, I did find a seller who had some very interesting photography and I ended up on her seller profile and in her little blurb of info, it said that she loves God :) It just clicked why I was drawn to her work- it was God inspired! ....anyway, where was I? Oh, my inspiration of the day... I love crafting. I love trying new things with crafting and I don't like to limit myself to anything- it all works together! I also love clothing. Guess where I'm going with this... YES. I want to make my own clothes!! I'd like to make clothes for the girls, too! First, I have to figure out how to use my sewing machine... the right way. I've used it a few times for silly things, mainly cutesy pillows but nothing too serious. I'm a hand stitcher.... I once handstitched a panel of fabric into a pantleg of my jeans to make really cool looking flares... didn't ever make it to the second leg, it took so long!
I've taken a small amount of time to gather a few bookmarked websites that will help me on my sewing adventure so, I'll be on my way to my very first fabric creations shortly :o)

My goal for taking on this new crafting is geared towards being able to help people in some way. I'm not sure exactly what that is yet but I'm sure God will let me know. I've been crafting since I was a little kid and I'm pretty sure He has given me the desire and a bit of talent in it for a reason... I'm going to praise God somehow through my crafting :)
Thoughts? Ideas?


  1. That is so awesome!! I used to sell handmade baby items and clothing for toddlers... I think you & I are a lot alike from the sounds of this blog post:) I am not a pro sewer or anything but I do have a few tutorials that I could give to you that I made clothing out of-- it's mainly time consuming and I don't have the time or patience for that with 3 lil ones right now... So I kinda craft as I can but the hot glue gun has become my new BFF. :P

  2. Clarissa, you're so right- we're probably a lot alike! I can't wait to get to know you better :o) Of course, I'd love any help you can offer! Hot glue guns are amazing- maybe one of the best craft tools EVER ;)
